Plant City Folks Use Massage to Alleviate Back Pain

back pain massage from plant city massage therapist

Dealing with Back Pain?

Outside of just getting a relaxing massage, the main reason why our clients come to see us is because they’re dealing with some sort of back pain and are looking for relief.

They may have visited their general doctor. They may have visited their chiropractor (or are still going to see them and it’s been suggested they seek massage therapy too).

But a massage can help with back pain in different ways. A doctor will likely prescribe drugs, stretching and rest. A chiropractor will work to alleviate pressure on your nervous system by making adjustments to the alignment of your neck and back.

As a massage therapist, we work on targeting deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve blood flow which promotes healing in the muscles.

Stronger, healthier back muscles can help to “hold” the alignment from your chiropractor. This can be especially helpful if you’re seeing a chiropractor for chronic back pain issues.

Deep-tissue massage for example is commonly used when injuries have caused muscle damage or weakness. Our trained therapist focuses on areas of tension and muscle stress in your body in order to help you relax and heal.

And of course, a massage can just feel good too while also having health benefits!

How Can We Help?

Leah Clark LMT is based right here in Plant City and can be available by appointment to meet your busy schedule. To find a time that works best for you, please call today at 813-230-9982.

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