Massage Therapy in Plant City Helps Treat Your Muscle Pain

plant city massage therapy

Massage for Muscle Pain?


When your muscles spasm, they hurt. When they’re sore or tender, they hurt too.

This type of pain — from spasms or overworked muscles — is usually caused when your muscles don’t have proper blood flow.

And that can set up a painful combined effect — the lack of blood flow means your muscles aren’t receiving enough oxygen. And lack of oxygen causes muscles to produce lactic acid. unfortunately, the lactic acid causes your muscles to feel sore after physical activity.

If you haven’t been to the gym in a while and started working out again, this can happen. Trying to mulch your Plant City church’s garden as part of a community project but have spent the entire Saturday doing so — that’ll do it. Even playing to hard with children or grandkids — and using muscles you’re not accustomed to using — that will do it.

The Solution can be Massage Therapy

Many of our clients report that when their muscles are relaxed through massage therapy, they feel better…in fact, much better!

That’s because lactic acid is released and muscle tissue receives enough blood and oxygen again which promotes the restoration of that muscle tissue.

Alleviating muscle soreness after physical activity is super important. Stretching helps. Massage helps.

How can we help?

Leah Clark LMT is based right here in Plant City and can be available by appointment to meet your busy schedule. To find a time that works best for you, please call today at 813-230-9982.

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